TCE had a great turn out for our PTO event this morning for grandparents. Thank you to those that were in attendance and thank you to all that volunteered to help make it a success!
Thank you to Tipton Hospital for the donation of hygiene kits.
See attached.
Our participation in the Local Foods for School Program is allowing us to bring high quality, Indiana grown produce, meats and eggs to our TC students. We are very excited to be able to offer our students items like these at zero cost to us through this federally funded program.
We will be serving watermelon (in place of mixed fruit) tomorrow in the elementary and middle/ high school!
Thank you to Tipton Hospital for spreading mulch on the TCE playground! Great group of people!!!
A few reminders of upcoming TCE events!
Sophie Davis is our big winner of the 5 pound chocolate bar! Happy eating!!!
We still have a few boxes of chocolate left to sell. Please send in money.
If anyone would like two free tractor tires please contact Josh Clark at First person to respond via email can have them. These make a great kid sandbox.
TCE Picture Day is September 6. All students will receive a picture.
Artist Fridays have started off with a bang at TCE! This 9 weeks, our young artists are exploring artworks by Georgia O'Keeffe. Check out their floral creations!
With the excessive heat forecasted for the next few days this is a reminder to please send water bottles with your student (s) to school. We will not be outside for recess with excessive heat. Please dress for the hot weather.
We had two golden ticket winners today for our World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser. Congratulations!
Our fundraiser has started. Students need a permission slip before being given a box of chocolate to sell. Look for the "Golden Ticket" in your box of chocolate. When sending in money we would prefer a check payable to Tri-Central Elementary. Contact the office with any questions.
Tri-Central Elementary is kicking off our annual chocolate bar fundraiser. If you would like to have your student participate we must have a permission slip returned to the school. Thank you for your support!
Attention TC grads. The Spencer Scholarship Application is now open and due Tuesday, October 1st by 3:00 p.m.
Applications can be accessed either through the MS/HS Guidance Department or on the school website under "menu" on the MS/HS website.
We have at least 20, 4' by 6' black mats that are approximately 1" thick. We will give these away to whomever would be interested. These were used on our playground in the Gaga pit. Contact if interested.
TCE Kindergarten students using their Boogie Boards today during UFLI. Practicing /a/ and /m/.
Please see attached information pertaining to upcoming Title 1 Parent Meetings.
Today TCCS will be conducting an intruder/lockdown drill. When this type of drill is conducted our building is on lockdown and there is no one allowed in or out of the building. Please understand that the office areas may be temporarily closed during these drills.
About Drills at TCCS and TCSC:
TCCS and TCSC conduct a variety of drills throughout the year as part of its overall school crisis, emergency, and safety protocols. These well-planned safety and emergency exercises take place throughout our campus for a variety of situations including fire, tornado, and active threat. School safety drills play an essential role in helping students and staff develop the knowledge and skills they need to prepare themselves during an emergency.
This week we have conducted a variety of drills in accordance with Indiana Law. If you have any questions pertaining to school safety at TCCS please contact Mr. Miller at or Nate Sayers at
Ever thought about working at TC but need a flexible schedule? We are hiring Substitute Custodians!