Parent Pick Up Procedures

pick up

TCE will be implementing new procedures for parent pick up. If you are picking up a child from TCE at the end of the school day please use drive 4 on the East side of the building and then follow the signage/cones. Students will NOT be dismissed for parent pick up until all the buses have exited the parking lot. Typically, this will be around 3:05-3:10. Once the buses have left, parents will remain in their vehicles and stay in a single file line to complete parent pick up in front of the bus door (door 14). Parents initially will be given a TCE car rider pick up card that should be placed on the rear-view mirror of the vehicle used for pick up. Please use a dry erase marker and print your child (s) name along with their respective grade level/teacher name on the card. If the card is lost, parents will be required to pay $3 to obtain an additional card.

If you have a child at the MS/HS that will be a parent pick up those students will need to be picked up at the front door of the high school prior to picking up your elementary student (s). Please see the map below for further directions on the new pick up procedures. We ask for your patience and consideration as we all work together with this new procedure.

NOTE: If there are multiple vehicles lined up for parent pick up and the line extends to the county road we would ask parents to make two rows, vehicles being side by side as you are facing South in the parking lot. For safety purposes we do not want vehicles stopped on the county road.